Toronto Antiques on King

Featuring Cynthia Findlay Fine Jewellery & Antiques

Stunning Selection Of Vintage Living, Decorative Finds, One-Of-A-Kinds & Fine Jewellery

The Making of a Christmas Card

One of the freelance stylists who rents props from Toronto Antiques on King, Carolyn Souch, agreed to send us some “in action” shots of the making of her Christmas card. These pictures remove the smoke and mirrors from styling to reveal the ticks and talents of the...


Happy Canada Day, readers! Hope you’re day is full of barbeque and fireworks.

Getting Ready for Valentines Day

We love Valentines day. It brings bright red hearts to dreary February nights, rich chocolates to cold afternoons and spring-time flowers to the middle of winter. Valentines day celebrates all kinds of love, not just romantic. It is a holiday that makes us remind all...

Chinese New Year: the Year of the Rabbit

“Oh my ears and whiskers, how late it’s getting!” exclaims Carroll’s rabbit in Alice and Wonderland. With the Chinese New Year celebrations almost over we want to wish everyone a happy 2011, the year of the rabbit. Traditionally, the rabbit brings the welcome promise...

Last Minute Christmas Gifts

Don’t have your Christmas presents yes? There is still time to find a “wow!” gift at Toronto Antiques on King and the Cynthia Findlay Collection. Say no to boring gifts. Say yes to one-of-a-kind showpieces. Say no to Christmas lineups. Say yes to...