Toronto Antiques on King

Featuring Cynthia Findlay Fine Jewellery & Antiques

Stunning Selection Of Vintage Living, Decorative Finds, One-Of-A-Kinds & Fine Jewellery

Richard’s Rowing Trophy

Richard MacFarlane, a long-time client of Cynthia Findlay Antiques wrote the following as a guest blogger, “What serendipity. Richard MacFarlane, a competitive oarsman of 38 years, and veteran researcher of Ned Hanlan rowing history, working for the City of...

Berlin Ironwork: A History

Between 1796 to 1806 the Prussian Royal iron foundries produced a fine lace-like jewellery made out of moulten iron and black laquer. Prussian Citizens were encouraged to donate their gold jewellery to aid the war effort against Napoleon. In exchange for their...