Toronto Antiques on King

Featuring Cynthia Findlay Fine Jewellery & Antiques

Stunning Selection Of Vintage Living, Decorative Finds, One-Of-A-Kinds & Fine Jewellery

Make Earth Hour Last All Year by Buying Vintage

On March 26th (tomorrow) millions of people around the world will turn off all their electricity between 8:30 and 9:30 to observe earth hour. For those of us who live in cities, downtown will feel like a super-hopeful Gotham city. This year earth hour organizers are...

Couple Gets Engaged at Toronto Antiques on King

Warning: the following is not for those who cry during romantic comedies. Listen up all you princes and princesses-in-training, here is a story about how to get it done. “It” being the proposal and “done” being the anticipated acceptance. After Aizick treated her to a...

Getting Ready for Valentines Day

We love Valentines day. It brings bright red hearts to dreary February nights, rich chocolates to cold afternoons and spring-time flowers to the middle of winter. Valentines day celebrates all kinds of love, not just romantic. It is a holiday that makes us remind all...

We Love Hearing Our Customer’s Stories!

We love being a part of our customer’s happiest moments—engagements, “push-presents,” birthdays, anniversaries—we feel like we see people at their most tender, most excited, and most loving. These moments are very rewarding; frankly they are the reason why we come to...