Bomb Girls, which premiered Jan 4th on Global TV, depicts Canadian history while it also glimpses our future. During World War Two, and in the absences of men, Canadian women worked for the war effort in munitions factories. This history has been partially blotted from our national memory, an oversight that Bomb Girls remedies with a master’s brush.
With its massive budget and marketing campaign Bomb Girls also, hopefully, is marking a new path for Canadian television. While Canadian art has always thrived in independent markets, Bomb Girls trumpets our mainstream television efforts.
Critics have been excited about Bomb Girl’s production values and particularly with its Mad Men-esque setting. Chris Lackner of the Vancouver Sun writes, “The music, fashion and cultural trappings of 1940s are all on fine display [in Bomb Girls]. While far from the world of Mad Men’s Don Draper and New York City, Bomb Girls accomplishes similar feats as that heralded series: It brings to life an era.” Through props and settings, Bomb Girls bring its history to life. Enter Jim Murray, prop master for Bomb Girls, who rented many items from Toronto Antiques on King to complete the all-encompassing retro set. We have had fun pulling inventory for the production and thinking about our history.
Renting props in not our only connection with Bomb Girls. Our store, which belongs to Mirvish Enterprises, is an old munitions factories. Everyday we walk on the same floors as the real-life bomb girls.
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