A few interesting facts about topaz:
- The name topaz is either derived from an Sanskrit word meaning “fire” or from an island in the Red Sea fomerly called Topazos, now called Zabargad, which was the ancient source of the stone peridot.
- Topaz does not just come in the golden-brown tones for which it is most well known, but also in pink, blue, green, sherry and even colourless
- Topaz can be found weighing several pounds, and in 1964 some blue topazes were found in the Ukraine, each weighing about 220lbs!!
- Today Brazil is the most important topaz supplier
- Topaz is very hard, its an 8 on the Mohs scale, making it a durable stone for jewellery, though cutting a topaz can be challenging
- The ancient Greeks believed it had the power to make its wearer invisible
- The ancient Romans believed it had the power to improve eyesight
- And the ancient Egyptians wore topaz as an amulet to protect them from injury
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