Toronto Antiques on King

Featuring Cynthia Findlay Fine Jewellery & Antiques

Stunning Selection Of Vintage Living, Decorative Finds, One-Of-A-Kinds & Fine Jewellery

The United Way and Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Silent Auctions

by | Aug 11, 2009 | Antiques, Events, Fundraising & Charity, Royal Doulton

At Toronto Antiques on King, we take pride in our commitment to community involvement.  What better way to help others than to do what we do best – antiques!  Recently we donated items to the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award silent auction, ’Come Wine with the Best of Us’, a fundraising event hosted by the SHAMBA foundation, where fierce bidding for a silver cake basket generated much excitement and great results.

We also contributed several Royal Doulton figurines and numerous antique silver pieces to a silent auction held by the United Way, and will be participating in an upcoming United Way event held by the Audit Department in the lobby of Metro Hall on November 30, 2009.

For more information on The Duke of Edinbugh’s Awards and The United Way go their websites:

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